Frequently Asked Questions

What type of diagnosis can you gain from a psychoeducational evaluation?

Students can be diagnosed with specific learning impairments, formally known as a learning disability. The diagnosis is what helps your child gain access to the support they may need such as extended time, low distraction testing environment, extra reading/math/writing instruction and a variety of other accommodations made in the general education classroom.

If there is a diagnosis, what then?

Dr. Thompson will provide concrete steps to help lessen the gaps in your child's education. Often times these include refocusing attention in a different way for both the teacher and the parents. In some cases it can include recommendations on programs to improve skills in a particular area. These will be discussed at the conference and written in the final report.

When is payment due?

Payment is due the day of the evaluation by cash, check or credit card. In some instances insurance does cover the evaluation and the family will be given the codes to submit to their insurance company.